The Making Of
Merseyside's Religions And Cultures
- 2012 A Year In Pictures
All images etc are uploaded at low resolution
Due to the fact I have Multiple Sclerosis I have someone with me who cares for me & drives me to the destination where I carry out my photography.
I was very flattered to be asked to donate my work to Local
Historian, Frank Carlyle's, "Liverpool A Historical Perspective"
(Book) and "Liverpool's Streets And Statues"(DVD).
I am very grateful for the complimentary copies
of the productions given to me.
Introduction page to photo diary
Merseyside's Religions and cultures would cover a diverse
range of subject matters.
The nuclease for the exhibition was places of worship,
Merseyside's traditional culture and Iconography. Paying Homage to Liverpool's Year Of Culture In 2008, was included.
The first decision I made was that the image for the poster would be the Iconic Liverbird's silhouetted.

I did not want to "get lost in it all", therefore
I wanted to have the project effectively complete at the end of each month,
with a diverse range of photographs.
Planning was so vital, in fact I started planning in December
St Barts Church in Rainhill was photographed. The building is magnificent and the

Set Of Images Right:- Scroll Further Down
St Barts Church in Rainhill L35
St Francis Xaviers Church Liverpool L3
St Francis Xaviers Church Crucifix (Further Down)
By February I set out to photograph The Scandinavian Church (The Gustaf Adolfs Kyrka), pictured right

February Part2 & March
The Buddhist Culture and Jurassic topics were photographed
at World Museum Liverpool in William Brown St.
Of course an essential part of the project was how
people can discover and learn more about other cultures and history on
broad spectrum of Global History & Culture is unbelievable
at World Museum Liverpool
Jurassic Topics
Various Cultures World Museum Liverpool
African Culture Exhibition
The Museum Of Liverpool is an "explosion" of Liverpool's own History and Culture, featuring many forms of innovative transport breakthroughs including The Lion Train and of course Liverpool's former Iconic overhead railway, known as "The Dockers Umbrella"

Rebecca Ferguson is a successful singer from Liverpool.

I depicted St Patrick's Night 17th March, just above.
Laura Critchley
I have also had the privilege of meeting and photographing some of Merseyside's finest artists.
Just Below Images Of Asa Murphy & Connie Lush & Further Below Liverpool Band The Christains Perform At Mathew St Music Festival
2008 Lord Mayor Steve Rotheram and His Wife Lady Mayoress Sandra Rotheram(above)
This year of course my main themes were about Culture, therefore it would be impossible to ignore some images of unique events, works of art etc that were depicted when Liverpool was The European Capital Of Culture in 2008. Below Superlambanna Lord Mayor, Liverpool Town Hall.
Ben Johnson & Cityscape Art Work

La Machine Spider aka La Princess & Further Above Tall Ships Parade Of Sale & Web Of Light Work Of Art Above Nelson Monument, Exchange Flags
I photographed a lighting projection of The Titanic
Liner, that was projected onto the Albert Dock in Liverpool. The projection
related to an exhibition about the Titanic, held at The Merseyside Maritime
Topics included in the exhibition, taken in April and May,
depicting Liverpool's Waterfront, The
Museum Of Liverpool

In May A Mosque in Toxteth was photographed below.
I chose the overall composition of the Mosque for my
exhibition, also pictured here are images of closer details of the Mosque.
Al-Rahma Mosque Toxteth Liverpool

I photographed St Vincent De Paul Church, the
angle was taken looking up at the building to add variety to the rest of my
compositions, also I wanted to highlight the intricate design of the lighter
spire, which contrasted with the dark brickwork.
St Vincent De Paul Church
Liverpool's traditional culture was photographed
including The Working Horse monument near The Albert Dock, also photographed
was The Anchor Court yard inside The Albert Dock.
Liverpool's Traditional Culture
Photographed In And Around Liverpool's Pier Head And Albert Dock
The vertical set of pictures just below includes a view of The Liverpool Waterfront taken From The Museum Of Liverpool Window a Model Of The Waterfront forms Part Of The Composition and a Liverbird in the background, that has been designed on the Wall inside The Museum Of Liverpool. The Anchor Court yard inside The Albert Dock is the bottom image in this set.
The Event Light Night was photographed, topics included The
Gospel Choir Sense Of Sound and A
Victorian Ball At Liverpool's Town Hall.

By June I had practically finished my essential subjects. I
began to sell raffle tickets, proceeds would go towards the cost of the
Exhibition. I photographed The Olympic Torch Ceremony held at Liverpool's Pier
Head (to celebrate the Olympics being held in London). Local Hero Craig
Lundberg, who was blinded while on service in Iraq in 2007, took a Ferry Cross
The Mersey to carry the Olympic Flame from The Wirral to The Pier Head. Culture is brought to Liverpool with many Events. In
June I photographed "Strictly Presents" (BBCTV Strictly Come
Dancing). The event was held at Liverpool's Royal Philharmonic Hall. Included
In "Strictly Presents" was a segment from Swan Lake, the event
included a singer from Liverpool.
Liverpool Singer Tommy Blaize Sings With Dave Arch Band
As depicted in the vertical set of pictures further above I took pictures of The Music On The Waterfront Concert.
In July I photographed the newly opened Festival Gardens.
The Festival Gardens are a tranquil place.
Japanese Gardens
Japanese Gardens
Chinese Pagoda And Surroundings (just below)
On the 16th July I photographed the Samba Carnival as Part
Of The Brazilica Festival
The Samba Carnival always brings colour, life
and vibrancy to the city with a variety of top class free entertainment, it
really is awesome!! All Images Below ©David Lydiate
More Photographs from Brazilica Copy and Paste link into browser:-

Scroll Further down to view more pictures from World Musem Liverpool, that follow next 3 sets of images on right. ©David Lydiate
©David Lydiate
Three previous Images Above depict Egyptian Culture(Right By Text), Hindu Culture, and Greek Statues
photographed the spire of Parish Of Our Lady And St Nicholas Church, a
significant feature at the top of this spire is a small model of famous ship the Richard Donely, which
is said to have sunk in Liverpool Bay.
The Canal at Liverpool's Pier Head was depicted 10/8/12
Liverpool's Italian and sporting cultures were represented with the inclusion of The Dom Volante Trophy And Plaque At Sailsbury Boxing Club. Dom Volante was a great Liverpool Boxer Of Italian decent, born in Liverpool 15/1/1905, he grew up in Gerrard St, aka Liverpool's Little Italy.
Topics depicting Liverpool's Buddhist Centre were photographed that involved a portrait of a Buddhist Nun.
The many people and places that have
characterised Merseyside's Culture And History.
I was very flattered to be asked to donate my work to Local Historian, Frank Carlyle's, "Liverpool A Historical Perspective" (Book) and "Liverpool's Streets And Statues"(DVD).
I am very grateful for the complimentary copies of the productions given to me
©David Lydiate
People,Places, More Religions
(Scroll Down further for Sept 2012 & Beyond)

My Exhibition In Aid Of Leukaemia And Lymphoma Research "Merseyside's Religions And Cultures" was opened by Ms Liverpool Faye Ayers 12th September(Right) and was extended one week by popular demand until 1st October.
I also recieved permission to use The Beatles song Let It Be as a backing soundtrack to promote Exhibition.
I was very fatigued after this exhibition more than any
other, the pressure on me was more due to the sensitive nature of the subject
matter, Religions And Cultures.
I picked the subject matter and was aware of just
what was required, there was no point in exhibiting my work if I was not going
to set myself fresh challenges.
When I submitted my brief to the person who helps me with
the exhibition at the Atrium even she was surprised, expressing the difficulty
of the task that lay ahead.
I met the challenges inspired by the shear passion I
have for the City Of Liverpool and Merseyside, and of course I wanted to raise
money and awareness for Leukaemia And Lymphoma Research, as always. ©David Lydiate
I have great passion for the City Of Liverpool. The City Of Liverpool And The Waterfront will continue to inspire me. Pictured Above Qe2 & Liverpool Waterfront Image uploaded at very low resolution ©David Lydiate
I made various plans for the fututre, based on subjects I had already photographed, but using them in different types of concepts.
I continued with a photo essay about the Anglican Cathedral, started in November. I had photographed many subjects, and brought them together under the one heading or theme, now I want to produce work concentrated on one subject matter.